Saturday, August 16, 2008

A Bag has begun...

So, I am officially done with 12 weeks of interning. 12 weeks of doing very little and making surprisingly a lot of money. Which makes my Katie still has to make car payments while in school fund quite a bit larger. This is the exact opposite of your typical internship. Which is why I loved my job this summer. I mean, I got flowers and tee-shirts when I left. How awesome is that?

And, I was totally crafty this week. I made some wall hangings out of Styrofoam and scrap book paper. 4 squares that look beauteous together, and all for about $7 and an hours worth of cutting and gluing. I will post a pic when I get them hung in my dorm next week. I also bought two 11x14 frames for $5 a pop and when I got home immediately found out why they were that much, as I snapped the glass in one. But, I really only wanted them so I could have a clean line around my MET prints, it doesn't really matter. Especially since before that I had just hung them haphazardly on the wall. Now they are a tiny bit protected at least.

To round out my purchases, two skeins of Lily Cotton in Rosewood for a nest bag.

Isn't this the most GORGEOUS colorway?

It was going to be a project bag, so maybe a gym bag. But I knit it on smaller than recommended needles and didn't check gauge, so its looking more and more like a handbag. Which is also very useful. In fact, I am almost done with skein one, and I think I am going to stop it there and use the start of the second skein for the handles. I don't know, I guess I will have to try it out and see what it can hold.

Here it is, althuogh its longer since I took the picture. The diagonal stripes were totally on accident and are very cool.

Finally, the Vine Lace hat has been blocked... it's still not very big. An FO to come, but for now, a blocking picture.

Yes, I did use a shoebox to block my hat.

One last item of business. Scout's Swag, which I only just discovered, is having a contest for anyone who posts about the Red Scarf Project. This project is fantastic, having provided 15,000 scarves to foster students headed off to college. So, I'm doing my part, spreading the word. I am going to try to contribute. I have half a scarf completed that I was going to frog because it is boring me, but I am thinking now that I might keep at it and see if I can't finish it before October. It's not actually a pattern, just garter stitch in doubled Lion Brand Homespun... unfortunately, its black/grey, not red, but they said they will take it anyway. We'll see. It is currently only 13" long, so that's a long way to go. But it's really pretty. SO anyway, if anyone else is interested, here are the guidelines and feel free to send any scarves or monetary donations to:

Orphan Foundation of America
The Red Scarf Project
21351 Gentry Drive
Sterling, VA 20166

Ciao! <3>